This text file is a list of years where Easter falls on April 1st, and the distance between the years it occurs (1700-2299). I made this because I was interested to find out if there was any obvious pattern. I didn't look too much into lunar cycles so this is not very illuminating, but it's still pretty interesting. The data is from a website by Thomas Larsen who seems to have got the info from the Astronomical Society of South Australia (so this may or may not even be correct). 1714 11 1725 11 1736 68 1804 62 1866 11 1877 11 1888 35 1923 11 1934 11 1945 11 1956 62 2018 11 2029 11 2040 68 2108 62 2170 11 2181 11 2192 46 2238 11 2249 11 2260 I also tried to fully automate this output just for an exercise in making one- liners in Bash. This uses wget, grep, sort, and awk which are pretty standard *nix commands so should work on any *nix-based OS. I've used the escape character to keep this to 80 columns but it definitely works as a one-liner (until the source website goes down anyway). wget -q -O - | grep \ -oP '\ 1st April.{5}' | grep -oP '[\ ][12][0-9].{0,4}' | sort -n | awk \ 'NR==1{p=$1;next};{print p, $1-p; p=$1};END{print p}' --------------- | (c) JG 2018 | ---------------